Benefits of Altering Your Animal
February is the month of love and also the National Spay/Neuter Awareness month. During this month let’s celebrate the love for our pets by sharing the benefits of altering your animal, your household, your community and your pet.
Altering your pet increases their life expectancy
The goal we all should have for your pets is that they live a long and healthy life. By spaying and neuter- ing your animals, you will decrease the risk of various cancers such as uterine cancer in females, and testicular cancer in males. By setting your pet up to be healthier, their life expectancy is extended. According to a University of Georgia study of more than 70,000 animal patients, the life expectancy of an altered pet is extended significantly. The study found that the life expectancy of neutered male dogs was 13.8% longer, and that of spayed female dogs was 26.3% longer. The average age of death of intact dogs was 7.9 years versus a significantly older 9.4 years for altered dogs.
Altering your pet makes for a happier household
Your household will also benefit from altering your pet because the altered pets have behavioral benefits that create a happier household. Altered pets are known to have decreased aggressive behavior and tend to be a calmer animal. They tend to be easier to train and are more focused on their family. Additionally altered pets are less likely to ‘mark’ their territory around the house.
Altering your pet reduces overpopulation
Over 65% of our operational budget is from memberships and donations.
Consider giving to ECCHA today to help animals like Lola find forever homes, even if it’s a short amount of time.
ECCHA Membership Drive Our annual membership drive is vital for helping pets like our mamas and so many other animals with varying needs. Whether homeless, sick, injured, no matter how long their stay,
ECCHA cares for them all. Your membership provides resources for all of our pets, including: medical treatment, veterinary care, food, medication, soft blankets and warm hugs.
Help all of our pets in need by becoming a member or making a donation today!
Return the enclosed form or head to to help! We are so close to our $6.5 million goal for our new building! In addition to your yearly membership, please consider a gift to our new building that will have a lasting impact on every animal to come! Help us with the remaining 8% of our goal by making an additional gift beyond your membership or head to to learn more.
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