Lost & Found Pets

We understand the panic when your pet is missing. Whether you are currently looking for your lost pet, or have stumbled upon a stray animal and are seeking to reunite it with its owners, the Eau Claire Community Humane Association (ECCHA) will do everything we can to help.

Stray Animals Cared for by ECCHA

The pets below are stray animals currently at ECCHA. Stray animal pictures are posted for ten days. After four days, ownership of unclaimed animals is transferred to ECCHA. If you are missing your pet, please call: (715)839-4747 x1021 and fill out a Lost Animal Form.

Lost Dogs in the Community

These are dogs that are lost in the community. The animals below are not at ECCHA. Stray animal pictures are posted for ten days. After four days, ownership of unclaimed animals is transferred to ECCHA. If you are missing your pet, please call: (715)839-4747 x1021 and fill out a Lost Dog Form.

Lost Cats in the Community

These are cats that have been reported as lost in the community. These animals are not at ECCHA. Stray animal pictures are posted for ten days. After four days, ownership of unclaimed animals is transferred to ECCHA. If you are missing your pet, please call: (715)839-4747 x1021 and fill out a Lost Cat Form.

Other Lost Animals in the Community

These are other animals that have been reported as lost in the community. These animals are not at ECCHA. Stray animal pictures are posted for ten days. After four days, ownership of unclaimed animals is transferred to ECCHA. If you are missing your pet, please call: (715)839-4747 x1021 and fill out a Lost Animal Form.


Check out our list of frequently asked questions. If you still can’t find what you’re looking for, please reach out to us.
Can I adopt a stray that I found?
If the animal is deemed healthy and sits the mandatory 4 day stray hold, yes!
If I find an animal, can I bring it straight to you?
Please give us a call first as contracts may differ depending on your city or county.
There is a stray animal on my property. Can you come catch it?
We do not come to your property to catch animals, but you can contact Animal Control (city of Eau Claire) and they are able to pick them up!

Eau Claire County Humane Association Lost and Found Report

If you have lost your animal, or found a stray, filling out this report will help us reunite lost pets with their owners.
Date animal went missing(Required)
Animal Information
Max. file size: 50 MB.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.