Part of our work at the Eau Claire Community Humane Association is to provide a strong voice for all animals; large and small, domestic and wild. ECCHA employs the Eau Claire County Humane Officer. The Humane Officer investigates and enforces the State of Wisconsin's animal welfare statutes and Eau Claire municipal animal ordinances. The Humane Officer receives hundreds of calls for service each year, the majority of which involve lack of food, water, and shelter.

Report a problem
Please contact the Eau Claire County Humane Officer with your questions or concerns. If calling after hours, please leave a message on the confidential voicemail. For immediate assistance, please call the Eau Claire County Communications Center at (715) 839-4972.

Common signs of animal neglect include:
- Lack of grooming, like overgrown nails or matted fur
- Basic needs not being met, such as lack of food, water, shelter, or vet care
- Bruises and scarring on skin or visible signs of poor health
- Being kept in unsanitary conditions or extreme temperatures
- Malnourished appearance, including visible bones through hairFor assistance with a complaint, please contact the Humane Officer. Complaints and the names of complainants are kept confidential. We must have proper evidence and/or witnesses to successfully build a case for seizure and/or prosecution.
Please have the following available to provide to the Humane Officer:
Address and city where the violation is taking place Date the violation occurred
Brief but specific account of the facts and circumstances involved
Your name and daytime phone number – the Humane Officer may need to follow up with you, and all information will remain confidential.
Contact Us
Whether you’re looking to adopt, volunteer or simply want to chat about your love for animals, we’re all ears (and paws). Contact us today!