Pet Transitional Living Program

Domestic violence can affect everyone in your household, and everyone deserves to be and feel safe. An abuser may threaten, batter or kill the family pet in order to maintain power and control over their victim(s). Many victims of domestic violence will not seek shelter for themselves if there is no safe place for their animal companions to go. That’s why the Pet Transitional Living Program (PTLP) was created.
The Eau Claire Community Humane Association’s PTLP program was established to provide temporary shelter for beloved pets who might also be in danger. We want to ensure nothing is holding you or a loved one back from finding freedom and safety.
If you or a loved one is experiencing abuse, please do not hesitate to contact the Bolton Refuge House at (715) 834-9578 or (800) 252-4357. An advocate is available 24/7 to make safe arrangements for you, your family and your pets.
Contact Us
Whether you’re looking to adopt, volunteer or simply want to chat about your love for animals, we’re all ears (and paws). Contact us today!