What to Do When You Find a Stray Cat
Does the cat have a collar with identification tags? If a tag is present and has the owner’s contact information, call them.
If a tag has the name of a vet clinic, it is a rabies tag. Call the vet clinic and give them the information on the tag (there should be a year and a tag number present).
Have you checked with neighbors to see if anyone knows who it belongs to? Think radius, not just up and down your street.
Does the cat appear sick or injured? If so, call the shelter during business hours or the non-emergency line right away (715) 839-4972 (if after hours). If you are reporting abuse or neglect, contact the Humane Officer at 715-839-4747 ext 1021. You may have to leave a message.
Some cats are indoor/outdoor. Please wait 24 hrs before removing or trying to catch cats/kittens. You may put water out for the animal.
Take a few pictures – leave the collar on (if it has one) and do not alter the animal’s appearance by bathing or grooming it.
Post pictures on different social media sites and groups such as Facebook’s “Lost Pets in Eau Claire and Surrounding Areas”, neighborhood Facebook pages, Next Door and Craigslist. Search these sites as well, in case someone posted their missing cat.
Fill out the Lost/Found form. If you don’t have internet access, please call ECCHA at (715) 839-4747 ext 1021. You may have to leave a message. Please include the exact location of where the cat was found, the description and your contact information.
Take the cat to a vet clinic or humane association to be scanned for a microchip.
If you are unable to hold onto the cat and it has been more than 24 hours since you found it and posted it on lost/found sites, please call the shelter.
Interested in fostering the cat/kitten that you found? Fabulous! Please contact ECCHA (715) 839-4747 ext 1021. We will put you in touch with our Foster Care supervisor.
The shelter can be overwhelming and stressful for cats. It is best if they can be reunited with their owner without coming into the shelter.
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