What to Do if Your Pet Goes Missing
Losing your pet is a scary experience, but by being organized, diligent, and following these tips, we hope to help reunite you with your beloved family member.
Check your home thoroughly – it may sound strange, but sometimes , lost pets simply hide in a clever spot within your house (especially cats). This happens frequently if something has startled them, such as a new pet or person entering the home.
Contact all area shelters to see if your pet is there or has been reported as found by a citizen. ECCHA can be reached at 715-839-4747 ext 1021, or by email at info@eccha.org. Always include a photograph of your pet.
Call your veterinarian and other nearby clinics and neighbors to inform them your pet is missing.
Make fliers that include the following:
- A high-quality, close-up photo of your pet
- Your pet’s name
- When and where you last saw them
- Your contact information
Make sure the flier is brief and clear. Write “Lost Pet” at the top of the flier in heavy, bold lettering and make the picture and your phone number large.
Ask friends, family and neighbors to go out and help you look for your pet. Call for your pet by name in the woods and along streets.
Place an ad in your local newspaper (lost ads are typically free), on your Facebook or other social media sites, craigslist.com, lostdogsofwisconsin.org (for dogs only), and any other websites you can think of.
Fill out the Lost/Found form. If you don’t have internet access, please call ECCHA at (715) 839-4747 ext 1021.
Don’t give up! Sometimes lost animals show up in shelters months after they disappear.
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